The Adam and Eve Story is Stupid

Not only is the Adam and Eve story stupid, it makes the Abrahamic god “Yahweh” or “El” (whichever you want to call him) seem like even more of an asshole than he already seems like. Sure, you can read a book by Dan Barker to get a full picture of what an asshole the Abrahamic god is, but why not start by taking a look at the first story in the Bible. Which is really about God’s favorite candy bar. Continue reading

Missing 411 – David Paulides Presents Cases from Israel, Colorado & Montana

May 1, 2022. This video contains the following missing person cases:
A. M. Burroughs, 70 Years, Missing Sept 29, 1928, Westcliffe, CO
James Pike, 56 Years, Missing Sept 1, 1969, Judean Wilderness, Israel
William Faber, 74 Years, Missing July 20, 1934, Glacier, National Park Continue reading

The World’s 2nd Oldest Profession

The world’s oldest profession is prostitution.

The world’s 2nd oldest profession is politics.

These two are basically the same thing. A prostitute is a woman who is paid to sacrifice her most important characteristic, her sexual propriety, for the highest amount of money possible. And she does this over and over again, making a living, and eventually calling this her career. Continue reading