Would you comb the Underworld for 3000 years?

Lost love. Would you comb the underworld for 3000 years looking lost love?

Pharaoh Seti 1 did. Does that make him… a “cuck” in manospherian terms? Yes, in today’s manospherian terms, I think it does. So the followup question is, how married to the manosphere are you?

So the link I posted is to an MU podcast, and it is the Plus Extension of the podcast that features the love story between the late Dorothy Eady (Om-Seti) and Pharaoh Seti 1. It has gotten me thinking.

I’ve just returned from Japan, where there are far more beautiful people than there are in America. If Christianity is some kind of “way,” why are so many Americans gross, fat, and out-of-shape? Perhaps I digress too quickly.

I’ve also been quick to blame the Abrahamic jealous-god “Yahweh” for the nuclear bombs that were dropped on the Japanese in WW2. A jealous God for a jealous people, indeed. I don’t care what anyone says, there was no good reason for those nuclear bombs. Again, perhaps I digress too quickly. This article is supposed to be about whether or not “true love” and “soul mates” are a real thing.

But let me diverge just one more time. The late Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Ho’oponopono guru, was convinced of two things. 1. Women have a strong anger towards men these days. 2. This anger towards men can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve, where Adam told the (Jewish) God that Eve had made him eat the forbidden fruit. And women have never forgiven men for this.

Not only do I not believe the Adam & Eve story, and not only do I not believe anything in the Bible is historic, but I tend to believe that the entire Bible is a book of magic spells that are designed only to benefit the Jewish people and their respective egregores “Yahweh” and “El.” And for everybody else the book functions as some kind of enslavement tool. The Old Testament is an especially negative book with an especially negative God. Of course Christians like to claim that everything changed in a positive direction with the Gospels, but alas, I beg to differ. That is wishful thinking that requires at the very least a 100% divorce from the Old Testament, which almost 100% of Christians refuse to do. So I am still correct with the claim that the Bible only benefits the Jewish people and their egregores.

Monospherians, at least not too long ago, used and abused the terms “red pill” and “blue pill.” If you’re not familiar with what those terms mean, well, I suggest you look it up. I don’t know if they are still using and abusing those terms. The “red pill” has to do with the real world bitter truths. And the “blue pill” has to do with a fantasy-land that only exists in your mind and is loaded with lies. In terms of how to “get chicks” or even just “deal with women,” there are two ways to do this – the red pill way and the blue pill way. The default is the blue pill way. And the red pill way must be learned as a man becomes awakened to “female nature” and the futility of the blue pill ways. No red-pilled man of this day and age is foolish enough to comb the underworld for 3000 years looking for a lost love. Perhaps… that is unfortunate?

But take a look around at typical Western women. Can you blame the Western man for converting from blue pilled ways to red pilled ways? There’s kind of a shitty song by a band called The Guess Who. The song is called “American Woman” and the lyrics go something like, “American woman… stay away from me…” This song was written and performed decades before the manosphere became a thing. But at least one of those guys in the band had had it with women.

One of the theories I’ve had as to why the blue pill was ever even a thing was because, I would guess, there was a time when the blue pilled ways of acting actually worked for both “getting chicks” and “dealing with women.” Is, or rather, was, the root of blue-pilled ways rooted in non-Abrahamic, and non-Christian ways of thinking? Greco-Roman myths featured pantheons of both male and female Gods, and a handful of them were responsible for the department of love and relationships. Thusly, if you were having trouble with your love life, you went to visit a God or Goddess of love for some assistance.

Alas, this sort of thing is all “bullshit,” manospherians would say. Manospherians are also likely to be “naturalists” that don’t believe in anything paranormal or supernatural. They see buying a woman flowers as “pretty fucking stupid.” Alas, I suggest what is missing in such a gesture is a magic spell. Well, you can’t do magic if you don’t believe in magic. And thusly, you won’t bother to perform any magic. And thusly, you might become something of a “MGTOW” – a man who has lost all hope and interest in women. Unmovable, and unable to lift a finger in pursuit of anything.

Before I throw Christians completely under the bus, some Christians who don’t understand women and love so much will at least leave it up their supernatural egregore “Jesus Christ” who will “handle it” for them. They are at least conceding that love-success relies upon a force that is beyond them.

I won’t go so far as to say that red-pill ways don’t work. I believe they do work, however, they are likely working on women that are more negative, more atheist, and uninclined to believe in magic. Negative women are forcing men to become more negative. Alas, the West is something of a negative world. Take a look at what’s happening in America – the country is diseased.

I posit that there are two choices. You can do what you what you can to keep negativity and negative people out of your life, or you can succumb to the negativity.

It was some time before I got interested in writing this blog that I decided to pivot back to being theist. (Please don’t confuse that with “Christian.”) I am also thinking I should pivot toward becoming a believer in magic. I’ve already kind of accepted that magic possibly exists and works, but now I am thinking magic might be a lot more essential to a happy life than I could have guessed.

Wether or not you could, or would, spend 3000 in the underworld looking for a lost love probably depends on whether or not you believe in things like magic and good luck. For Pharaoh Seti 1, I am guessing he had no doubts about magic and good luck.