Politics – Not interested in a war with China

This “Chinese Threat” you might have heard about is a hoax talked about retarded boomers. Don’t fall for it.

I’m not going to say that China is a perfect country. I’m not going to say that the Chinese government is great. I’m not going to say that China doesn’t have spy satellites.

But what I will say is none of your real-life problems in America are caused by the Chinese government or Chinese people.

It’s not the fault of the Chinese that 50% to 100% of everything you own was made in China. That is the fault of the boomer business owners that sent manufacturing jobs to China back in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.

Can anyone explain how “TikTok” spying on you is any worse the DHS, CIA, Facebook, or Google spying on you? Nobody ever did anything about those entities spying on you, but you might’ve adjusted your life and your mindset to deal-with-it. There is no way anybody can come up with a rational argument that “TikTok” spying is somehow something worse, let alone something to go to war for. If that’s true, take Apple to court over conspiracy charges.

The goddamn elites in America are bored and afraid of losing global hegemony, and they want to kvetch and send your or your sons and daughters to war because they just can’t stand losing their global hegemony. A hegemony which they are losing fair and square.

Problems in America are caused by the same exact usual suspects that have always caused problems in America. Don’t lose focus.