You know giants existed and are tired of arguing about it

I feel you. I know how it goes. You’re on a social media or social news site and the topic of “giants” comes up and you feel instantly required to spread the truth.

We’ve all been there. You haven’t got time for the jibber-jabber or the ping-ponging back and forth with some rando-user you have never met in person. But you need to slam dunk this in one shot with a comment that will send him straight into an internet rabbit hole doing his own research about giants. Here we go:

Here are some arguments that enthusiasts have put forward to support the existence of giants:

1. Mythological Consistency: Across various cultures and civilizations, there are strikingly similar myths and legends featuring giants. From the Greek Titans to the Norse Jotnar and biblical references to giants, these stories share common themes of gigantic humanoid beings. The consistency of these narratives across different regions and eras raises questions about whether there might be some basis in reality.

2. Megalithic Constructions: Some proponents argue that the construction of massive megalithic structures, such as the pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge, could have been achieved more easily by a race of giants due to their extraordinary strength and size. They believe that the precision and scale of these ancient constructions surpass the capabilities of the human workforce of that time.

3. Giant Fossils: Although no indisputable evidence of giant humanoid fossils exists, some point to the discovery of oversized animal fossils as an indication that large creatures once roamed the Earth. Proponents suggest that if giant animals existed, it’s not entirely implausible that giant humanoids could have existed alongside them.

4. Cultural Artifacts: Ancient art and artifacts have depicted unusually large human-like figures in various forms, such as cave paintings and ancient carvings. While these artistic representations might have symbolic meanings, some argue that they could also be based on encounters with actual giant beings.

5. Misinterpretation of Evidence: Skeptics suggest that certain discoveries might have been disregarded or misinterpreted by mainstream science. They propose that some giant skeletal remains could have been dismissed as anomalies or misidentified as belonging to animals or unusually tall individuals.

6. Oral Traditions: Throughout history, oral traditions have been a significant means of passing down stories and historical events. While oral accounts can be subject to exaggeration and embellishment over time, some proponents argue that they could have originated from encounters with beings larger than average humans.