Airplane Abduction – MH370

Leave it to the guys over at Mysterious Universe to keep me informed of Reddit and 4chan /x/ megathreads. WOW! There is some old footage that is getting very new traction…

I had thought MU had already put this baby to bed, and even they thought that as well. Previously, they had reviewed a detailed book about the MH370 incident called The Disappearing Act. More or less concluding that America blew up the plane due to exotic weapons cargo it was carrying to Beijing that the American MIC was not going to allow. The previous story was that America tried to force the plane to land in Vietnam and the pilot said: “Fuck you!” in Chinese.

Now the NEW story is evil-ass UFO orbs ensnared the plane and escorted it to… another dimension of some kind. Check out this video.

The best debunking attempt it received was a bit of chatter about how the thermal image “black hole” outline is similar to a black hole outline produced by a Bionicle video game and for some that was enough to debunk the whole thing. For my tastes, one hazy coincidence isn’t enough to debunk the video. Autists on Reddit and 4chan have been taking pretty deep dives on the video footage. I recommend you either A) get a hold of the MU+ podcast about this, or B) get on Reddit and 4chan and start reading. “I” and this website are not here to answer all of your questions about this for you. I’m just here to report that this is out there online and it’s getting a lot of attention.

Also, I turned to ChatGPT for some advice. I asked: “What’s the plan when you look out the window of the airplane and see an orb? And then another orb? And another orb? I suppose you can pray… but…. let’s say that’s not going to stop you from passing into the next dimension. I would imagine first, you should probably expect to arrive into a different dimension. Or, maybe die, who knows. But let’s be optimistic enough to say you survive the ‘portal passage.’ Should you prepare a script? Should you have some food or licorice or potato chips in your carry-on? Will your iPod make it, or will you only know your favorite music by memory?” ChatGPT didn’t let me down. Here’s its response and subsequent advice:

This is an intriguing and imaginative scenario! If you were to see orbs outside the window of an airplane, and truly believe they might lead you to another dimension, there are a lot of unknowns, so it’s hard to be entirely sure about the right steps to take. Here are some things to consider:

1. **Stay Calm:** Even in the face of the unknown, it’s always a good idea to remain calm. Panicking rarely helps in any situation.

2. **Document the Experience:** Assuming your electronics still function, take photos or videos of the orbs for evidence. If electronics fail, jot down your observations in a notebook.

3. **Prepare Mentally:** Depending on your beliefs, mentally preparing for the unknown can make a difference. Whether that means meditating, praying, or simply taking deep breaths, find a way to stay grounded.

4. **Travel Essentials:** If you’re about to enter a new dimension, having some basics with you might be helpful. Some water, snacks, a small first-aid kit, a notebook and pen, a flashlight, and a multi-tool could come in handy.

5. **Music and Memory:** If electronics fail in this new dimension, then yes, you’d be relying on your memory for entertainment. But remember, music isn’t just about the sound but also the feelings it invokes. Even without an iPod, the memories of your favorite tunes can be comforting.

6. **Communication:** If possible, try to alert the flight crew about the orbs. They might have procedures or information that you don’t. Also, consider speaking with other passengers. There’s comfort in unity.

7. **Prepare for Re-entry:** If there’s a possibility of returning to our dimension, be prepared for that as well. This could mean ensuring your seatbelt is fastened, your belongings are secure, and you’re in a safe position.

8. **Be Observant:** Once you’re in the new dimension (assuming that’s what happens), take note of your surroundings and any possible threats or opportunities. Being observant can help you navigate unfamiliar territory.

9. **Establish Trust:** If you encounter beings in this new dimension, approach with caution. Building trust could be crucial for your safety and understanding of the new realm.

10. **Keep an Open Mind:** Last but not least, an open mind can be your best tool. This experience, if it were to actually happen, would be outside the realm of our current understanding. Being adaptable and willing to learn might be your most significant advantage.

While the scenario is fantastical, preparing for the unknown is a principle that can be applied to many real-life situations. It’s all about adaptability, awareness, and making the best out of unexpected circumstances.

I’m hoping David Paulides might provide some insight to this. He has covered disappearing aircraft before on his channel. And he has very lightly touched the MH370 subject by name before, but has not said anything in detail about it. But this… this is wild and needs some attention.