Concerned about paranormal encounters?

As you’ve heard, there’s something of a soft alien disclosure these days, and nobody seems to have any reaction to it. “Aliens are here!” they say. And the public reaction is: “Huh? Whatever.” And life goes on. But what if YOU are concerned?

Well, that’s a big reason why this website exists, for people like you. You want some good advice, some tips on preventative maintenance, and GOOD LUCK. First, let’s put this in the form of a poem. Just to keep you entertained. Then I’ll break it down for you in list-form.

In the thick of the woods, whistles forsake,
No tree-knock echoes should you dare to make.
Carry a beacon, its signal won’t deceive,
In the heart of wilderness, it’s safety you’ll receive.

The gun might comfort those well versed,
Yet, it’s a bubble of false safety, which may burst.
In woods unknown, hunters vanish without a trace,
A gun, they had, yet found no safe place.

No matter your faith, or if it’s none at all,
The dangers of the wild heed not the believer’s call.
“Jesus saves,” you may recite, but tales tell,
Even believers sometimes fall under the woods’ spell.

Yet, songs and prayers could ward off the extraterrestrial,
Not due to faith, but the focus mental.
Recite a verse or sing a tune,
Might ward off an alien mind scan under the moon.

When a sense of dread fills your heart,
Turn around, trace back to the start.
If lost and silence becomes your fear,
Sit by a tree, wait till it clears.

Fire three shots, if a gun you hold,
Its echo could your location unfold.
Consider a “tinfoil hat” made of velostat,
Alien abductions it could combat.

Past 10 PM, in bars, don’t linger,
Be aware of the danger in every finger.
Bodies of water, aliens and cryptids house,
When a friend is sick, back to the car, you douse.

Orbs of light, they’re not for play,
Turn around, walk away.
Battery dies, UFO you try to photograph,
And Men In Black may tread your path.

Black-eyed children at the door,
Turn them away, engage no more.
Before you venture out, the weather discern,
Inform someone of your expected return.

Panic not if paranormal happens to you,
A hypnotherapist could your mind review.
Be aware of the traits that risks amass,
German descent, physicists, hunters – let caution pass.

A sasquatch mimics sounds, be not deceived,
The unexpected, in wilderness, is rarely believed.
For a haunted house, some remedies thrive,
Sage, prayer, and a ghostbuster could help you survive.

Light up the outdoors, keep entities at bay,
Blackout curtains for a peaceful sleep’s sway.
Caffeine, avoid, consider a meat-only diet,
Paranormal encounters, can be eerily quiet.

Predator’s tale, more fact than fiction,
Transparent entities are more than prediction.
Paranormal experiences often breed regret,
Few, benign, a tinier fraction yet.

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. So, I have listened to countless hours of audio books and podcasts about the paranormal. This is sort of a brain dump of all of the advice I’ve have heard. This is just off the top of my head right now. I should add to this list as I find out about more things and recall things I have heard earlier. If you want advice about something that’s not on this list, send me an email at marloweone at gmail.

1. Don’t whistle in the woods.
2. Don’t make any tree knocks in the woods.
3. Always carry a personal locator beacon.
4. If you’re comfortable with a gun, and you’re trained and practiced on how to use a gun, you may as well consider carrying a gun in the wilderness. However, a gun can be a false sense of security, because, there are reports of hunters with guns that VANISH in the woods, never to be found again.
5. It doesn’t matter if you are religious or what religion you are.
6. “Jesus” apparently doesn’t actually “save.” For example, many religious Christian people who likely thought they were “saved” or had some kind of spiritual protection simply by being Christian have actually VANISHED. Like most people that vanish, usually they are never found. Or sometimes they are found deceased.
7. Some people who have been abducted by aliens have reported that reciting a prayer or singing a song they have memorized has stymied their alien captors. This has also reportedly prevented eye-to-eye mind scans. Thus, whether you are religious or not, you can still utilize a religious prayer. It would appear it isn’t religious convictions that are a preventative mechanism, but perhaps the mental focus of singing or reciting words is the preventive mechanism.
8. If you are in the wilderness and suddenly feel a sense of dread, turn around and go back the way you came.
9. If you are confused or lost in the wilderness and experience the “Oz Factor” where everything goes completely silent, one defense mechanism is to sit down by a tree and wait it out. The theory here is the “Oz Factor” is like a bubble or cloud that you have accidentally entered and you should wait until it moves along.
10. If you are lost in the wilderness and have a gun, fire 3 shots into the air. This will help people know where you are.
11. If you are interested in a “tinfoil hat” to prevent alien abductions, apparently velostat is the new tinfoil. You can find velostat hats online. If you have had trouble with alien abductions and encounters, you can probably get a velostat hat for free.
12. If you drink and enjoy going to bars, consider not sticking around at any bar past 10 PM.
13. Aliens, cryptids, and other paranormal entities tend to be around lots of water. Be aware of the bodies of water around you.
14. If you are with a friend or partner in the wilderness and one of you feels sick and wants to go back to the car, BOTH of you should go back to the car. DO NOT SEPARATE.
15. Do not mess with orbs. If you see an orb or ball of light, turn around and leave the area. Don’t try to touch it, don’t try to photograph it. Physical contact with orbs can make you very sick and give you symptoms similar to that of somebody who has been irradiated.
16. If you try to photograph a UFO or anything paranormal, there is a very high chance that the battery in your device will die.
17. If you see a UFO or anything paranormal and fill out a report, there is a very high chance that you will be visited by Men In Black.
18. If you black-eyed children knock on your door asking for help, DO NOT LET THEM IN.
19. Check the weather report before you go out.
20. Always tell somebody where you are going and when you expect to be back.
21. If anything paranormal happens to you, try not to panic.
22. If you think you have been abducted, you can find a skilled hypnotherapist that can do a hypnotic regression for you.
23. Be aware of the personality traits that are high risk factors. Here is a short list of some of the things to be aware of. If you are of German descent. If you are a physicist. If you are a hunter. If you are an elk hunter. If you are a mushroom hunter. If you are a berry picker. If you are a bow hunter. If you have a high IQ. If you have a disability or injury.
24. Sasquatch are known to be able to mimic any sound. It can be the sound of any animal, the sounds of children playing, or perhaps the sound of a car-door slamming. If you are in the wilderness and hear something out of place, don’t be fooled.
25. If your house is haunted there are some things you can do. First of all, clean your place and AIR OUT your place. Stale air and stuffy air can attract phantoms, ghosts, wraiths, and shadow people. Consider buying some sage and burning sage. You can also utilize prayer from almost any religion whether you are particularly religious or not. If the problem persists, call a religious exorcist, shaman, or ghostbuster of some kind.
26. If you have entities outside of your home, use bright lights outside of your home and black out curtains so you can still sleep inside the home.
27. Stay away from caffeine. Consider a meat-only diet.
28. The movie The Predator was probably based on a true story. Transparent entities have been reported.
29. The overwhelming majority of paranormal encounters are negative experiences. A very tiny fraction are benign and perhaps even positive.