That alpha/beta greek letter wolf pack thing…

That “alpha, beta, delta, gamma, sigma, omega” greek letter wolf pack thing… whenever you’re done with high school or college or whenever you’re about 25 or so, it’s over.

Either that, or I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I have been theorizing there has been a rise and rise of the “Sigma male,” which is on the one hand true, but if everybody is “sigma” there is no wolf pack and the whole theory is over. There is a point where everybody is just kind of going their own way and has their own path and that’s it.

I came to this hard conclusion after listening to “various influencers” provide evidence that muscles shorten your life. And exercise – especially hard exercise – is not all it’s cracked up to be. I also learned that the sport basketball, while usually thought to be a safe sport because, for example, there is less body-contact compared to football, is actually a very dangerous sport because of sudden cardiac arrests. Basketball is an incredibly aerobic sport and it seems like the players are running the entire game. Alas, the sport has the highest rate of sudden cardiac deaths according to So if you want to be big and muscular, you’re shortening your life. If you want to be lean and fast, you’re shortening your life. Yet, we constantly associate athletes as the types of people that are “alpha.”

What is even “alpha” anymore? If being strong or fast or athletic doesn’t make you alpha or put you on a path toward alpha, then what is the point? What are we doing here?

I suppose if you want to be big and muscular, fine. You’ve got reasons, but you’re not going to be “alpha.” Same if you want to be super fast. Great, so you’re fast. I guess we all have goals, right? Your goals will be whatever they’re going to be. But there is no king of the pack anymore.

This website has previously written articles about glam rockers and glam metallers that used to score chicks by the boatloads – was that “alpha”? To be honest, I don’t think so. I just think it was an exploit in “the system” that was available to those guys at the time. They’re not “alphas” they just found a loophole where suddenly they could get tons of pussy for x-amount of years in their lives. And they certainly weren’t “alpha” according to the typical wolf-pack model. If anything they were some version of sigma – maybe even “lambda.”

One thing that men and women both tend to do, is they behave in ways that they think will work in terms of reproductive strategy. It’s not just about getting laid, it’s about having children, and even leaving a legacy.

If you don’t think legacy is a real thing, well, my very strong hypothesis is that legacy is the primary driver of female wrath in divorce cases. Obstruct a woman’s intended legacy and she will do whatever it takes to make you pay the highest price, or even the ultimate price.

What makes creepy men creepy? Probably many things can do this, but here’s one example for you: a man will come across as creepy when he deploys sexual and reproductive strategies that don’t work. Perhaps he had a strategy that worked on some woman (or a lot of women) some time in his past, but the strategy stopped working and he’s continuing to use it anyway. But my point is, what he is doing is what he thinks is going to work for him in some way. Otherwise he wouldn’t be doing it. Sometimes a man simply won’t look beyond “free pussy,” which means his intentions are probably not going to line up with what a woman’s intentions are.

Intention-setting is a big deal. Possibly a core determinant in heterosexual fates is based on compatibility of intentions. The “like attracts like” (law of attraction theory) isn’t quite right. It’s more like “this attracts that” and you have to figure out what “this” and “that” are.

Just think though: nobody gives a crap if you exercise or have muscles or whatever. Nobody. If anyone is going to care, it’s going to be you. And that’s it. And if you care, you should ask yourself why you care.

Some rich people are actually poor bastards. Some guys that get laid didn’t get anything if they’re still socially awkward around women. And now bodybuilding isn’t “alpha.”

We all probably need to think more deeply about what it is we’re doing here on earth, what we want in life, where we’re going, why we want to go there, and how.