The People that Goths called “Mainstreamers”

This little story begins before Trump was even a candidate for president, and before lefty “woke culture” exploded to the mega-degree that it is now, etc. So we’re looking at the years 2011 to 2015.

So when I got to San Diego, I met the local goths, which I will call “San Diegoths” – because – I find that just so quaint of a term. The San Diegoths I first fell in with were for the most part the “elder goth” contingent. That meant goths maybe a bit older that me, or at the very least goths who had been gothing for more years than me. I had been “gothing” for over a decade by this time and I figured goths were goths wherever you went. My primary club experiences were in Denver and Hollywood, but I have also been to goth nights in Seattle, San Francisco (just 1 night), New York City (just 1 weekend), Austin, and even Kansas City – which was probably the smallest scene I’ve ever… seen. But, upon reflection, maybe there’s more subtleties to local goth scenes.

“Maintstreamers” and “Normies” is what the elder San Diegoths called people in popular culture. Of course, “punk rockers” and “metalheads” have always been fairly welcome into any goth scene, especially with the advent of “second wave” black metal which featured guys dressed in black and wearing makeup, which is certainly close enough to qualify as goth.

But it seemed the elder San Diegoths were immersed in a decades long battle against mainstream popular culture. Maybe the funniest thing about this war was that San Diego mainstream popular culture was completely oblivious that goths were fighting a war against them at all. Probably because the fight was really only going on inside the minds of goths.

Let’s just say I eventually found the elder San Diegoths to be woefully pathetic, and I was slowly starting to dislike them. Especially the ones that were fat and out-of-shape. Let’s not forget that by “elder” we mean to say, “getting older” and people are losing their looks faster and faster every day. Lol, of course some elder SD-goths hit the wall like a Mack Truck already and were obviously doomed in the dating marketplace. But, they didn’t have any clue about that at all, as they were all still chasing their own night-club dragons. And worse, none of them cared one iota about doing anything about improving their miserable bad-looks status. Seriously? Seriously. Overall, I found their mindset to be childish and at a lower level than it ought to be. And I had not known goths from other scenes to be so anti-mainstream like this elder SD contingent.

There was even a pretty good local SD goth/metal band (whose name I’ll leave out of this article for now), that vehemently hated normies and mainstreamers. This band wasn’t even elder goths – they were Gen-Y aka “Millennials.” But they hated Downtown San Diego, and they hated the Pacific Beach area of San Diego, also colloquially known by San Diegans as “PB.” They would say as much on stage during performances, and, they made a cute alternate meaning of “PB” to also mean “Plastic Bitches.” They had a song about “Plastic Bitches” (maybe that was even the song title too), complete with the refrain of “Fuck Plastic Bitches! Fuck Plastic Bitches! Fuck Plastic Bitches!” It was a good song, actually, pretty catchy. But on the other hand – I had to think to myself, “Who the fuck are they talking about here? You mean to say, the super hot chicks sunning themselves on the beaches here in San Diego? Wait a sec, that was partially why I fucking moved to San Diego.” Suddenly I was of the persuasion that “plastic bitches are people too.”

I am not anti-this.

I need to reiterate, and I’ve said it before on this site, and I’ll say it again: at the end of the day goth clubs are all about hot-chicks and hot-pussy. I also mentioned in a previous article that goth clubs had been struggling trying to acquire reasonable hot chick ratios at their clubs. 10% is a fairly reasonable ratio to strive for, and clubs had been having a hard time achieving that.

Ok, so it is San Diego, which is Southern California, and you would think that the local hot babe marketplace naturally provides fierce competition. Well, it does. But, when I was in Hollywood in 1999, the goth bettys were holding their own in the marketplace just fine. Maybe the further South into Southern California you go, the more brutal the competition is? Is the goth war really just goth chick jealousy against mainstream beach babes taking all the alpha males away from them? I don’t know. (Lol, well let’s be honest, it’s probably precisely that.)

This is an August 2022 Facebook cover.
The struggle is real even at Hollywood’s famous goth club, “Bar Sinister.”

Random models from Pinterest.
Which is like expecting cute anime chicks.

But for me, it was time to start doing the unthinkable, and that meant exploring the mainstream San Diego clubs. Are the local normie and mainstream hotties really insufferable plastic bitches or not? The only way to know for sure is to check it out for yourself. So I did what I could, and here’s what I found…

Scaldingly hot babes in San Diego like the first one pictured in this article are just not easy to meet. And mainstream dance clubs in San Diego, well, they’re weird. First of all, nobody really dances. What they do do, is stand around on a sardines-packed dance floor and slowly turn in circle while holding their $15 drinks. So… meeting somebody on a dance floor wasn’t going to happen. (Unless I revisit ballroom dancing lessons and go to places where people legitimately ballroom dance. I haven’t ruled that out.) Mainstream bars in San Diego are brutal. You can see hot chicks around the club, but they are always separated from you because they have legions of “fans” surrounding them. You simply cannot get easy access to them.

So now in a post-2016 mindset, you should also be aware that diversity isn’t just a cultural weakness, it’s a goddamn obstacle in mainstream clubs. I’m not going to spend time here saying things that would get me accused of being racist, but you can probably guess what some of the problems are. A general problem with mainstream clubs and bars that I can talk about is that there is waaaaaaay too much rap and hip-hop music. A lot of the lyrics are obviously low-IQ, and they are usually legit misogynistic and anti-white. A good portion of it even comes off as rapey. Seriously, popular rap lyrics are now just some black man saying the words “bitch,” “ho,” and “fuck” a lot. And of course “nigga.” It’s gross and disgusting. You could be at a mainstream club or bar and relatively “ok music” is playing and then just 1 nasty-ass rap song will come on like that. For me it’s a total “wtf” moment. Nobody objects or says anything of course. How would they and what would they say? Everybody goes along to get along.

There was one beach bar I used to like to go because of their pub-food. It was in an area where the crowds are thinner, so it seemed like a nicer place to go to. The majority of their patrons are white. Yet they play a good amount of rap and hip-hop there for some damn reason, and the best I can figure is they do this just in case blax show up? It’s like some establishments are in the mode of bending over backwards to appease the “diversity gods.” It is goddamned annoying. And by diversity they mean only one race: the blax. They’re not playing Mexican music or East Asian music. Nor are they playing a legitimately diverse mixture of music side by side and back to back. It’s only music by the blax and for the blax. And then sometimes they’ll play shit-boomer white music aka “classic rock.” I guess that’s utopia, right? Now if I want their food I just call and ahead and order the food to go.

So, San Diegoths were right about mainstream clubs and bars being terrible places, but not in the way that they thought they were. And now in this post-2016 world, mainstream clubs and bars are worse than ever.

I don’t go anywhere anymore. Goth nights blow. Mainstream clubs and bars are retarded as hell. Sure, there’s other things a person can do. But what I’m talking about with goth clubs and mainstream clubs is where to go to meet hot chicks. You’re not going to find them at heavy metal concerts. It’s not impossible, just not at all likely. Nor are you likely to get very far with hot chicks by directly approaching hot chicks at the beach no matter what PUA skills you have. And I’m not going to go to the Sunday morning night club called church. Clubs and bars are timeless. Or were. They have always been the most reasonable places for men and women to meet each other. Any other way to meet women, especially hot women, is usually some kind of accident, coincidence, chance circumstance, or divine intervention. And now clubs and bars are almost completely destroyed. People still go, of course. I didn’t used think it was a waste of time, because, it was eventually going to lead toward the propagation of the species. Now it looks like they all lead to abortions, single motherhood, and worse. So it’s a waste of time for everybody.

I’ll tell you one thing, maybe don’t scare hot chicks out of your scene by writing a song with lyrics like: “Fuck plastic bitches!” Fun fact, the band I’m talking about actually did play in PB (Pacific Beach) one night, and they didn’t even play their “Plastic Bitches” song that night, lol. Did they miss their personal opportunity? Alas, that band broke up in 2014 or 2015 or so. Maybe it’s a curse they brought upon themselves by writing a song that was against beach hotties. You know I think David Lee Roth has always had serious issues, but he never wrote song lyrics that kept hot chicks away. It’s been theorized that intention is real and quantifiable, thus maybe it’s always good for artists to be more acutely aware of their intentions.